OTT Hydromet - Add-on for Orckestra


The following pages offer diverse examples of projects that we have accomplished with our customers around the world. Different examples from a variety of countries and applications will give you an idea of how requirements of customers and measuring sites have been transformed into professional solutions. To achieve this, we work in close cooperation with our customers to best tailor a solution to meet their data needs and the site requirements and add in our many years of expertise in the form of experienced sales engineers, experts in specialized application areas, and professional project management for a successful project implementation. We would be happy to publish your project! To submit, please contact us.

Flood Water Protection in the City of Buenos Aires

Flood Water Protection in the City of Buenos Aires A monitoring system with alarm function for a retention basin shall protect residents against flood damage in the future

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Modern monitoring network in the Indian Ocean

A new network with a total of 122 stations provides a sustainable system solution for the Sri Lankan water management authorities.

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Weather data for nautical information system

Wireless connection of an OTT netDL via WLAN

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Reservoir Aabach Germany - Continuous monitoring of contact pressure

Abach Germany56 OTT PLS pressure probes have been installed in the damming structure of the reservoir to measure the contact pressure in the dam continuously. These data are directly forwarded to the data center of the responsible water board.

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Water Quality Monitoring and Weather Data at Pampulha Lake-Brasil

 This lake was a recreation area until the 1980s. Since then, it suffers from sewage problems and is in a serious state of eutrophication.

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Water Quality in the Mississippi Basin

Water Quality in the Mississippi BasinLong term deployment in the harsh aquatic environment of the Mississippi River.

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E.ON Power Plant Nuremberg

E.ON Power Plan NurembergStationary discharge measurement at the location Franken I - E.ON power plant GmbH, Nuremberg, using the OTT SLD.

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Discharge Measurement Deep Within a Cave

Discharge Measurement Deep Within a CaveUsing the OTT MF pro flow meter for speleology, or the measurement of water discharge within caves. The Hessenhau Cave is the deepest known cave (144 m / 472 ft) of the Swabian Alps in southern Germany.

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