OTT Hydromet - Add-on for Orckestra

Discharge Measurement Deep Within a Cave

Discharge Measurement Deep Within a Cave

Research is currently being conducted in the Hessenhau cave, located in southern Germany. The cave is the deepest known within the Swabian Alps at 144m (472 ft) and has a stream running through it that connects it to other caves within the area.

Discharge measurements were taken in different parts of the cave with the OTT MF pro electromagnetic current meter.

Reaching the bottom of the cave for discharge measurements was difficult but the lightweight yet rugged design of the OTT MF pro performed well.

Watch the MF pro Cave Discharge Video

Video and pictures appear courtesy of the ARGE Blaukarst. We thank in particular Mr. Uwe Krüger (video) and Mr. Andreas Schober (pictures) for their support.

Discharge Measurement Deep Within a Cave
Discharge Measurement Deep Within a Cave
Discharge Measurement Deep Within a Cave